
How to get protein as a vegan


Where do I get my Vegan Protein?

Do you struggle on what to eat as a vegan? Are you a recently turned vegan or vegetarian and are confused on how to get your vegan protein? Or did you recently hear that meat is bad for you and just want to cut back on meat.

Well, in this post, I will show you how to correctly replace meat protein while fulfilling your body’s protein needs. In other words I will show you how to get your proper “vegan protein“. Let’s just call it that.


Why do we need Protein?

Protein is an essential nutrient with important functions. It is important in maintaining muscle and bone mass, and supporting the immune system.

A little on proteins. There are complete proteins and incomplete proteins. Yes protein in meat, fish and eggs are complete proteins that meet the body’s amino acid requirements for tissue maintenance and grown.

However, not all protein was created equal. We cannot just eat a bunch of nuts and get our daily protein needs met. See, our bodies require a variety of proteins to function correctly. There are 10 essential amino acids that our body needs for proper functioning. (Amino acids is what the body breaks down protein to) These proteins must be available in the correct proportions in order to meet the body’s requirements for tissue maintenance and growth.

For example, legumes (beans and peas), nuts, and cereals are protein rich, but their proteins are nutritionally incomplete because they are low in one or more of the essential amino acids. The exception is soybeans. They are plant-derived complete proteins.

amino acids

Can I get all my protein needs met on a vegan diet?

Studies have shown that a well-planned vegan diet can not only meet your nutrient needs, it can offer a range of benefits, such as a lower risk of heart disease, certain types of cancer, and type 2 diabetes. So it’s a much better route than devouring that burger just to meet your protein needs! No No! ❌🍔


Protein Combinations

As vegans or vegetarians, we have to carefully plan a diet to obtain all the essential amino acids and prevent malnutrition. One of the ways we can do this is by combining different vegan protein sources.

Here are some examples of protein combinations:

When ingested together, cereal grains and legumes provide all the essential amino acids.

Another example is combining beans and bread. This results in a complete amino acid meal.

Grains and legumes are the best vegan protein substitutes for meat proteins.

vegan protein

What vegan protein to add to your meal?

Here are some foods that can add more protein to your meals:

1. Quinoa, Protein: 8 grams per 1 cup serving, cooked

2. Soy, Protein:10 grams per 1/2 cup serving (firm tofu); 15 grams per 1/2 cup serving (tempeh); 15 grams per 1/2 cup serving (natto)

3. Ezekiel Bread, Protein: 8 grams per 2 slice serving

4. Rice And Beans, Protein: 7 grams per 1 cup serving

5. Hummus And Pita, Protein: 7 grams per 1 whole-wheat pita and 2 tablespoons of hummus

See how easy it is? Every time legumes like beans, lentils, and peanuts are combined with grains like wheat, rice, and corn, a complete protein is born.

I hope you learned something new today and congrats on cutting meat out of your diet. Not only are you helping the world be a better place by saving animals from dying, but you are also going to be a more healthier human yourself.


Xio. 💚

Source: Human Anatomy and Physiology 9th edition, by Marieb Hoehn. 

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