
How to Control Your Mind

mind control

Mind Control

Mind control is the result of self-discipline and habit. You either control your mind or it controls you. The most practical of all methods of controlling the mind is the habit of keeping it busy with a definite purpose, backed by a definite plan.

You have the power to control your mind but it is a behavior that you must be willing to learn. You are programed from birth to love your family and you learn what is good and what is bad, that is the beginning of your mind being programed. As you grow, you have the opportunity to make your own choices and program your own mind. Some people never fully awake from their childhood programed mind. What I mean by this is, for example if your parents always told you that you are a failure and dumb and that you will never accomplish anything good in life, once you are an adult it is up to you to believe that about yourself using your own judgement.


Some people take advantage of weak individuals who seem to have a weak mind that can be controlled. The thing is that we all fall into this category unless we are somehow enlightened in a way that we see through people’s actions. Of course we are all going to say we fall into this category but do we? Sometimes we don’t even notice when we are being brainwashed because it is all done subconsciously.

Some will argue that everything is manipulation for example we have cults, religions, clubs, the media, television etc. So are we all under this mind control? Not exactly but what I want to explain is that we all have the power to tap into that part of the brain that sees through this “brainwashing” or control. It’s not easy to come to this. It requires a lot of judging and questioning but it’s possible.


Mind control is packaged in a way that allows the person manipulating to create dependency in his or her followers, making their decisions for them while allowing them to think that they are independent and free to decide. The person is not aware of the influence process, nor of the changes occurring within themselves. This is seen mostly in children or the movie industry where people are persuaded to act and do things that they wouldn’t do on their own free will.

We have the power

Our brain is so powerful, even just a bad thought can make you physically sick. That is how much powerful it is. It has the power to manifest illnesses that were never there but arose because of a single thought. If you think about it, that means it also has the power to do great things if we learn to use it correctly. The important thing to note is that if we become more aware of our thoughts and know that they have a lot of power, we can learn to catch when someone is trying to manipulate us. Learning how to tap into that dimension of your brain is what freedom really is. When you are free from manipulation of others and you are able to control your thoughts, that is enlightenment. That is freedom from self and power to control your life and lead it wherever you desire.

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xoxo, Xio

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