
7 Ways to keep motivation while working from home

productivity & motivation

It feels like we are living in a whole new world nowadays. This can lead to a lack of motivation and productivity. As we adjust to this new way of life, be prepared to carry on some new tasks. Being your own boss requires accountability, discipline, and motivation. Here are a few tips that have worked for me while working from home. These tips will give you the motivation to get stuff done! No excuses!

1. Have a planner

It is imperative to stay organized as much as possible. Wake up early and make a list of what needs to get done that day. By having a planner, you are more likely to stick to your tasks and cross things off as you go.
Be realistic with your list, don’t give yourself too many tasks. For example, plan 4-5 things that you know you can complete in one day. Don’t overwhelm yourself to the point of not doing anything because your list is so long.


2. Set up a work environment

Set up a nice clean environment where you will work. It’s really hard to feel motivated when you are working next to old mail and leftover pizza boxes. Pretend you are in your office at work, how would that look? Decorate your home office space to help in giving you the motivation to work. Make it something to look forward to. Have a space for your cup of coffee and just make it enjoyable.

office space

3. Play music

This is my favorite and something you probably don’t get to do at your actual job. I like to play chill vibes that help me stay focused. Studies have shown music activates both the left and right brain at the same time, and the activation of both hemispheres can maximize learning + concentration and improve memory.

Here are some of my favorite playlists: (simply search these terms wherever you like to listen to your music. ( Pandora, Spotify, Youtube Music, etc)

4. Take a Lunch Break

I don’t know about you but when I’m hungry I get “hangry” I just can’t work. Make sure you take a break just like at work. Set an alarm if needed and take a break to enjoy your lunch. A break is a break for a reason. You need a break so your brain gets a re-set and comes back refreshed and ready to work.

Make sure you are eating the right foods. Imagine you just ate a XXL double double cheeseburger with extra everything, do you think you will feel like working after that? knowing your bed is right there? Umm no! Feed your body the right nutrients that will help it stay motivated and ready to accomplish any task. Check out my Kale Superjuice Recipe for a healthy green drink that I swear gives me more energy than coffee.

avocado sandwich

5. Set up a Schedule

Have a work schedule. Set up a time you start work and a time you end it. Also, make sure you are getting enough sleep. You perform at your best when you are well-rested. Set up a wake-up time and a work time. It is so easy to slack off and go do other things like wash your car, go give your dog a shower or plan to watch only 10 minutes of a show while you eat but you end up watching the whole season. I am guilty of these things that’s why it is so important to watch the clock and keep in mind that YOU ARE AT WORK. Having a schedule gives me the motivation to get things done!

6. Exercise and Take Breaks

Don’t be glued to your seat for more than an hour. Get up and move! Studies have shown that even a one-minute stretch can help you be more productive throughout the day. It is important to move your body and get your blood flowing. Plan to relax after work as well. Relax time is needed at the end of each day, resting helps you get ready for the next day.

girl stretching

7. Put Your Phone Away

It’s so tempting to scroll through the gram or Tik Tok. Sometimes hours can go by and you won’t notice until the time has gone by. You need to keep yourself in check and have some discipline. Put your phone far from you if you can’t resist. Have the ringer really loud just in case you need to answer. This will help in you not grabbing it to scroll to see what’s up on IG every 5 min.

Those are my tips to stay productive and have more motivation to work from home during this “quarantine”. I have very productive days when I follow these steps and so can you. Hope you have a more productive and motivating week!



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